Monday, February 14, 2011

"Laif, laif is to enveiye. Naat is be bore."

This splendid bit of advice comes from the splendidly awful Pakistani film Pindi Wal, which I managed to get hold of. The movie features songs like "Golden Nights" and a Punjabi song which literally translates as "Take out, take out, take out what you think someone else has put in". While the song may have multiple interpretations, the gyrations and contortions of the dancer strongly suggest that the meaning is incontrovertible. Add to that a vamp called, unoriginally though effectively, Perveen Boby, and you find three hours of brilliant entertainment.

But yes, the advice is good. It is also given by a woman who clearly has done her share of envaiying, and now is reaping the rewards through her...establishment for fallen women, ensuring further steep and precipitous descents for them. The exact nature of such enjoyment, however, is subjective.

The period between applying for LLM applications and waiting to hear their outcome is one that is always fraught with stress. People I am close to have suggested various remedies, most involving alcohol and television soaps, in varying combinations. Unfortunately, however, I have never been a TV-addict, and living with parents imposes certain constraints on one's ability to consume immense quantities of alcohol. Happily, however, my academic mind has come up with an alternative. This solution, for which I require further inputs, is deep and sustained research into the meaning of lyrics in South Indian cinematic productions.

This interest originated when I heard that there existed a wide and substantial difference between the Hindi and Tamil lyrics for the "Hamma Hamma" song. While the Hindi lyrics modestly hinted at the meeting of minds, and referred to bracelets and anklets tinkling due to some vague and unspecified pleasurable activity, the Tamil lyrics show a healthy disregard for verbal subterfuge, claiming that the slipping of the Pallu induce visions of heaven and heady delight in the observer. Whattay!, said I, and instantly started looking for more.

In this quest, I was helped by friends, old and very new, who eagerly sought out more such songs. I leave you, dear reader, with the following:


Blogger Wandermust said...

Your Dear Reader style always makes me think of you as Jane Austen.
Manav as jane Austen in a starched, corseted dress and a bonnet.

1:27 am  

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